Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Lookie who's on the Yahoo homepage today!

I got an email from a friend asking if that was me on the Yahoo front page. I had to refresh a couple times to see it... but look! There I am!

The photo was by Bill Reitzer/Plush Studios taken about a year ago.


Jason Chang said...


Anonymous said...

i like how ur hair is styled in that shot. it kinda makes you look older

John said...

ha! I called it. hehehe... Congrats Sandy. Wow... over a billion views for you. Expect the phone to go off the hook.

That Sandy. She's so hot now. Sandy.

g0james said...

so which of those restaurants is actually any good? What?! you haven't been to all of them? what a scam

Sandswirl said...

awww thanks guys!!! I guess my ballin skillz ain't so bad afterall!!! mUHAHAHA.. I DID beat James AND John on the mini-hoops game!!!! =)