Friday, September 15, 2006

All I Need to Know about Life I Learned from My Dog

-If you stare at someone long enough, eventually you'll get what you want.

-If at first you don't succeed... beg, whimper, give the puppy dog eyes.

-Don't go out without I.D.

-Be direct with people; let them know exactly how you feel by peeing on their shoes.

-Be aware of when to hold your tongue, and when to use it.

-Leave room in your schedule for a good nap.

-Always give people a friendly greeting.

-When you do something wrong, always take responsibility for it (as soon as you're dragged out from under the bed).

-If it's not wet and sloppy, it's not a real kiss.

My Dog's Philosophy of Life: "Life is short; bite hard."

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Home sweeeet home

Yes, it is GREAT to be back. I've been so busy, I've had absolutely no time to blog. What can I say - life is great. Of course there are the ups and downs... but that's what makes the ups SO MUCH better. =)

I had a BBQ last Saturday, and it was so awesome to see so many of my buddies again. Too bad I passed out at 7:30pm! yep. Over-did the alcohol thing by taking 20 shots of vodka within the first 3 hours. =p sigh. I was just trying to be a good host and drink with every group of friends that came in. You know.. I always feel it's my job to peer pressure everyone into getting buzzed... Next thing u know.... I woke up at 4am.... not knowing where the heck i was.

ANyway, luckily, i was not the only retard - my bro passed out at 8:30pm. and the word on the street is - i went out a lot more gracefully than he did. MUHAHAHAHA. booya!

So I woke up at 4am, and my brother and i both were like "WHAT HAPPENED?! THE PARTY's OVER?! NOOOOooOOO!!!! DO YOU REMEMBER NIGHT TIME? I DON't!" hahaha we lamented over it, and then decided that we must have a DO-OVER.

... leave it to the CHANGS to pass out at their own party. hehehhee. At least everyone had a blast... and a BIG GIANT HUG AND THANK YOU TO ALL MY LOVELY FRIENDS who kept our home so impeccably clean. Man, I have the best gosh darn friends in the world =) Yep I'm lucky to know all of you.

Of course -- Pictures soon to follow. =)

Again, it's so00oooo GOOD TO BE HOME. Home, sweet home.