Tuesday, January 16, 2007

my new hobby - stocks

So I've picked up a new hobby for the new year.. STOCKS! I was getting tired and bored of my 'high-interest' savings account and mutual funds, so decided to switch over a very modest amount to eTrade and try my luck there.

It's been only a few weeks, and it's been awesome!

My Picks:

Yahoo (YHOO) - my biggest win. yay!

LoopNet (LOOP) - All the way baby!

Insite Vision (ISV) - I just got in on this one... after reading up about it, and I think it has a lot of potential to blow up this year. If it doesn't, i wont be losing much sicne the stock is only $1.49 =)

Delta (DALRQ) - Get it while it's cheap and bankrupt, since they will get bought out soon.

Next on my list:

Red Robin (RRGB) - Their stock is still extremely low from expanding too fast - which is great, because this stock was previously in the 50 range, and will definitely go back up. BTW, they make the best gourmet burgers ever!

Blockbuster (BBI) - WILL BEAT OUT NETFLIX... with their new and super convenient ALL ACCESS plan.

Got any promising stocks for me to check out?


Jason Chang said...

any advice i'd tell yah, i learned reading the warren buffet way.

robert kiyosagi's four quadrant book. you should read those two books.

Spam Hater said...

if you need any thoughts on retail companies (my sector), give me a holler. :)