Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Boss pix

Had a pretty eventful weekend. Worked on sat, then partied at Boss, and woke up super early on sunday for a bridal fair.

Here are some pix from Boss:

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Jason Chang said...

awww looks like i missed out! wt heck.. i didn't know PAT! was gonna be there.. haha.. i was wondering.. she wrote a blog about how she partied like a youngster again... no wonder.. it was with you!

g0james said...

can you use something else besides bubble share please? the zooming in and bouncing around makes me dizzy! nice pics though!

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA... we're so fun. I love my *horny* picture. :-P

Anonymous said...

haha... seriously... i haven't partied like that in years.... fun.. but took me a whole week to recover. let's do it again soon... with less alcohol