Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Working from Home

So I decided to work from home today… no, not “work from home” like some people.. but actually WORK from home because my list of things to do at work has been building up, and it’s sometimes so hard to focus and get things done with constant distractions at work. People interrupting your train of thought, meetings interrupting a nice work session, lunch breaks, coffee breaks… etc. etc.

So I decided today would be the perfect day to work from home, since I have no meetings scheduled ALL day for once. It was all going so well, and then 3:15, my MOM shows up at my door out of nowhere. It’s like she has some kind of sixth sense for when I’m around. Either that or maybe she comes over a lot when nobody’s home?! I wouldn’t put that beyond her.

Ya, she didn’t even know I was wfh, so she just shows up randomly with her key to drop food off… and then she was EXTRA excited and happy to see me. So of course this made me feel kinda bad to be thinking “What the heck!? Great.. now my peaceful wfh day is ruined!”

So I try to be nice… She comes in with this glow on her face saying in chinese, “Today’s my day off too! Let’s hang out!” I give her my annoyed, “MOM, I’m working…” Then she does her whole “oh, don’t mind me then, I’ll just hang out and help you tidy up around the house.”

And what am I supposed to say? I can’t kick her out of my house after she was so thrilled to see me. So I just continue with the document I was working on, and then she interrupts, “hey so how often do you work from home!? We should coordinate”… I’m like “not often”… and then “hey show me how to work your laundry machine I’ll help you do your laundry”…

“MOM.. I’m in the middle of writing something!! And no thanks, I’ll do my own laundry!!”


So she then says, “ok, I’ll hang out downstairs then…” in the nicest way possible which now makes me feel extra guilty for snapping at her. O mommy, I know she loves me so…

Time for a coffee break?


a twenty-something California girl said...

Aw Sandy. I know what you mean by being torn with love for your nucleus family and then needing to find that boundary for the new life/unit you have now. You know they gave up so much for you and just want to be close, but then you know they can't make taking care of you guys their meaning in life. You'll find that balance!

Anonymous said...

Your mom cracks me up. I wonder how often she stops by. Why oh why did you give her a key? Hee hee. She means well though. Guess no more WFH days.


Linda said...

awww, haha. your mom is cute, but it's easier to say that when it's not your own mom looking over your shoulder! she means well!