Saturday, June 10, 2006

So here's the real update...

Besides posting pix and random things... I haven't had the chance to sit down and really reflect on my experience here in Toronto so far. So here goes...

The CAFR migration has been going soooo incredibly well. Week after week, my team has not only been meeting all crucial deadlines, but we've been pushing to make various improvements in many processes to ensure not only increased productivity, but reconstructing steps in a way that minimizes a lot of the potential problems that usually get picked up much later in the timeline.

I've been working hard this past month, but who knew it'd feel soooo rewarding!. We've hit a milestone this week, and our progress report is way beyond expectations. I'm so proud to be a part of this project, and it feels so good to know that I am making a difference.

In the last month, work has become a new definition in my book -- its no longer just about doing the job and getting the paycheck.

Life outside of work has been great! I've been meeting new people, hanging out and enjoying the city. Most importantly -- I think it's such an awesome experience for someone to go outside of their comfort zone. In the last month, I feel better than ever. I've been able to do a lot of self reflection and have been refocusing my life in the sense that everything I do is a step forward towards my long term personal goals. On weekdays, I don't do much besides work and work out. I joined a gym that is right downstairs from my office... so it's been really easy for me to just drop in after work. I love living on my own. I come home every night (after work and gym), cook up a little meal for myself and eat it in front of the tv, chat on a phone for a bit, work on some personal projects on my laptop, take my time to get ready for bed, and to work I go the next morning... THIS IS THE LIFE =)

Only big complaint I have is having to kill bugs on my own. I've always had someone to do it for me.. whether it was my brother, dad, mom, boyfriend, or college roommmates (thanks Emily, Wendy, and Marilyn!)... it's been really tough for me -- and it seems like there are just so many bugs in Canada summertime! I'll admit I even broke down and cried once because of it... and I've been a bit of an insomniac because of my bug-paranoia.

But besides that, I've been just dandy =) Also, I'm working on a site redesign and reconstruction, which will roll out soon! That's all for now!!



Anonymous said...

I miss you sweetie!!!! I feel you about the bugs, I can't do it either. But glad to see you're doing well otherwise. See you in a month =)

Anonymous said...

....UH, did any of ya'll ask how I'm doing since babycakes went to Toronto?!...

Oh well, that's life, got to support your lady!