Monday, April 20, 2009

Vietnamese Hair Salon lady said "you not skinny"

On Friday, I decided I needed a change. So I went in for a haircut at a Vietnamese hair salon, and ended up getting a wave perm.

My experience there was much like the experience you get at a Vietnamese Nail Salon:

While she's washing my hair
Hair Lady: "You so tall! you must have an American boyfren!"
Me: "umm...well my husband is chinese. He is american though, and he is tall."
Hair Lady: "oh you married? oh wow so young"
Hair Lady: "How tall are you?"
Me: "5'7" and a half"
Hair Lady: "oh wow, taller than me (she's like no taller than 5'3" btw). People think I look tall and they look my feet to see my shoes. you know."

Back to the chair while I'm getting a trim
Hair Lady: "How much you weigh?"
Me: "umm excuse me?"
Hair Lady: "you know, how many pounds? mmmhmm?"
Me: "umm.. a hundred twenty something..."
Hair Lady: "you not skinny..... but you not.. you know.. "
Me: "fat? hah yah I know I'm not fat."
Hair Lady: "mmm but you know, it's good.. it's not good to be too skinny when you're so tall"
Me: ...

*awkward silence*

Hair Lady: "you go gym?"
Me: "yah, I do."
Hair Lady: "Look me, I never go gym. I just skinny" (and yah, she is a skinny petite vietnamese lady)
Me: ...

*awkward silence*

Hair Lady: "you need more body (in your hair). Wave perm. It look good. You like it."
Me: ok

While she's applying curlers
Hair Lady: "You need eyeliner. you see? just a little bit. Like me. Just a lil dark on top and bottom." and she starts to peel her bottom eyelid down to show me how she does her makeup...
Me: ahh yah thanks. I usually only wear eyeliner when I go out at night.
Hair Lady: "it's too light.. but it's ok you look good. don't worry you look good!"
Me: (thinking: .. I wasn't worried...)


The whole time she kept looking at me up and down and then looking in the mirror at herself. funny. If she weren't a Vietnamese lady in the hair salon, I'd probably be super annoyed or even pissed off. But I think she honestly meant well and was trying to give me some tips -- that's just how they make conversation hahha. In the end, I was super happy with my hair. She did a great job and I guess that's all that matters! =P Believe it or not, I'd definitely go back.


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Anonymous said...

F*** you. Why did you bring this story to make people laughing on Vietnamese people? If you didn't like it, don't come. Stupid lady.

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thanks for sharing
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