I think once he gets really into something, he can get quite obsessed with making it perfect. This is a trait we share...
I woke up Sunday morning and found him outside fixing our NEIGHBOR's lawn. HAHAHA The part that connected our lawn to their lawn was a drastic difference... Our lawn is really nice, well kept, and healthy. Their area was dirt, rocks and weeds. So he got frustrated with it. hahaha... funny thing is, the neighbor from across the street saw he was doing this and offered to lend him a heavy duty weed pulling tool. HAHA I guess we're not the only ones annoyed of that house.
So my big project of the weekend was the fireplace. It had been bugging me for quite some time, and I finally got around to painting it. =) Here are the pix:
So not only did I paint the fireplace white, I also cleaned all the nasty soot from the red brick fireplace and restored it's vibrant brick red color. Thanks to the internet, I did some research and came up with my own three step process:
1) Get a bucket of water and rags or a sponge and clean off the area as much as you can.
2) A lot of the soot gets stuck in the brick, so take a foaming bathtub cleaner and spray the areas with soot. let is sit for a while as you will see the soot in the foam. Wipe away with water and sponge.
3) Most of the soot should come off by now, but if not, this last step should take care of it. Wipe down all the bricks with a cloth dipped in household vinegar. The bricks will start to look brighter. Then get a clean bucket of water and wipe once more after you let it sit for a little bit.
I got pretty obsessed and spent almost all of Sunday by that fireplace...painting, washing, and vacuuming. So I ended up with bruised knees =(. But it was worth it!!
We also finally finished up painting the stairwell hallway, and JT also painted a wall in the garage.
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