Wednesday, December 05, 2007

A sweet photo session with Wendy and Alan

Just to give an intro to this post -

After so many years of being on the other side of the camera (as a model), and also producing and art directing shoots -- I decided I'd give photography a shot. I got myself a brand new Canon EOS 5D a few months ago....and I LOoooooVE it. So I've taken on photography as my new hobby. For those of you who know me, know that I take my hobbies seriously. So be prepared to see some more awesome stuff. Below are some of my favorite pics from my very first shoot ever as a photographer. My friends Wendy and Alan graciously agreed to be my very first subjects and they were SOOO awesome!!! I have some more shoots lined up with friends this month, but if you're interested in modeling for me -- let me know!

On Sunday, I spent the morning with my buddies Wendy and Alan. We drove around their neighborhood in Pleasanton and got some amazing shots. Checkout my favorite images from our shoot below. *the first and last scenery images were taken from online pix just to add a nice effect to my image slide. The rest were all shot by me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks again for the shoot Sandy! I must say these pictures are great!! Wendy = <3