Don't laugh -- but my whole right arm and shoulder is soooo sore and in pain, from shooting hoops (the far ones, not the close ones!) at Dave and Busters on Friday night. HAHAHAHA Ya.. I'm such a weaksauce. sigh.. a buncha guys were laughing at me while I was playing... cuz I was seriously throwing with all my might, and barely getting any rim. hahahaha.. at least I made a few in...
The weekend was pretty chill. JT n I were supposed to go to Marine World on Sat with Sherry n David, but it ended up raining!! =( booo, so we didn't get to go... We ended up staying in, sleeping and working instead..
It probably ended up for the better, since I've been on the verge of getting sick for the last 4 or 5 days ..and Marine World would have definitely put me over the top.
Other than that, I spent a good part of my weekend stressing about work -- and came in at 6:30am today, and got my shit done and on-time for the big presentation this afternoon. woohoo... what a relief.
I'm really looking forward to going home this evening, chilling out, and watching "THE BACHELOR -- an officer and gentleman'" hehehe... he's soooo cute.
teehee... lol .. naw.. i really watch it for the drama, of course.
Yup, definitely gonna lay low for a bit till I get better.
Dude, the guy is sooo ripped... SPAAAAARTAH!
i was watching you and was impressed bc you def made more shots than i would have. (you really did make it look easy LOL)
i was impressed
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