"Well, found some time to blog in Toronto. It's I guess 5am Toronto time. The clubs here are off the da hook. Crazier than anything in SF hands down. So many clubs, so many people coming out.
I'm happy I came out to a place like Toronto where there are tons more cute females at the club than SF, where the parties are ridiculously huge and ginormous, and go on even after last call.... it's seriously nothing I've ever seen outside of Vegas. Canadians... it's like they have nothing better to do.
For some funny reason, it's always Saturdays -- not Fridays -- that I have more fun at the club. Tonight was a really awesome night at the club. Perhaps just by a stroke of luck.
On a side note, my sister kicks ass. She has gotten me into the club for free, and gotten me free drinks pretty much every time I've gone to the club. Absolutely hilarious I tell you. My sister is one of those attractive party girl types and she knows all the who's-who at ALL the clubs. I mooch off all these guys who get bottle service and crap and it's all gravy.. har har har. so hilarious. anyway, both friday and saturday at toronto, we literally skip the lines at the clubs and just straight up move to the front of the line, then we head to the back room with bottle service and take shots of grey goose... ALL FOR FREE. har har har.. women... so many hookups.. lucky brother that I am to get hooked up by association.. har har har...
anyway, toronto is alright, but clubbin' is still not my thing. it's definitely my sister's thing. but it surely is not mine. it's fun. i danced with some women and talked to some cuties, for sure. but, I think i'm just going to stick to the grad parties and law skoo stuff. too bad toronto's winter sucks ass, otherwise this place seriously kicks major ass."
I think someone in those pics looks really hot.
come home soon!!
good times... =)
oh no.. i'm quoted.. haha
did you know grey goose is not really the better vodka out there? it just costs more. it was on 20/20. bunch of party girls thought they'd prefer grey goose when in fact they were choosing the cheaper ones. har har har.
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