Hello world! If you don't already know -- My name is Sandy, and I am a primetime TV junkie.
It all started when my hubby got me a shiny new remote control and…. DVR. He laughed when he said it was a present that was going to change my life… but WOAH, it really did.
I’m the type of person who likes to keep really busy. I’m socially active, and I can sometimes be a work-a-holic. So up until that point, it took a great amount of effort for me to follow even one or two shows.
Enter DVR…
… comedies, medical dramas, mystery/suspense, teenie bopper high school shows, model reality, chef reality, clothing designer reality, dancing reality, even MTV reality... yeah, I’m totally serious – I watch all of the above haha. Believe it or not, the shows all somehow found its place to serve a purpose in my life. Whether it was comedic relief after a stressful day, something suspenseful to leave me on the edge of my seat, or even simple mindless reality tv to fill the void in the background as I work away on my laptop… TV became my comfort blanket. Something I could always count on to get me through the days.
All of a sudden, I found myself getting sucked in more and more -- attached to the story lines, the characters, and the people who play the characters. As if all this TV watching didn’t suck up enough of my spare time… I found myself always wanting to know more. Thank goodness for the internet!
Before I had the time to second guess myself, and question whether I was taking my TV obligations too seriously, I soon discovered I was merely a miniscule spec of dust amongst the massive number of people who were also passionately engaged in all the shows I loved, and more.
There’s something uniquely fascinating about the discovery that not only are you not alone in your thoughts, but surprisingly amongst the masses. That was one thing I found incredibly powerful and captivating about Twitter. Hundreds of people I don’t know, and will probably never know in my lifetime, are all on Twitter sharing similar thoughts as me, in real time.
I tweet a random thought, and an anonymous stranger replies. Yet, I am not obligated to respond back or get to know that person… it’s just a simple momentary discovery of common interest at a specific time, and no more.
This is how Tweetswirl came about. There are many twitter content aggregation sites out there – and they’re either quantity focused with shallow search filters, or they rely on the users to set their own search feeds. Tweetswirl takes a different spin on things. We are dedicated to creating customized pages by researching to find all the right filter terms and valuable content that fans are truly interested in, and serving it in a clean, user-friendly interface. Sure, it will take some more time and effort to build out our site, but it will result in a much more rich and engaging experience, allowing people to discover more relevant content they are interested in.
It starts with TV (and some of my favorite shows), and we will continue to build out more pages based on popular request.
However, TV is not everyone’s obsession… and we are planning on adding more categories in the future (i.e. sports, technology, news, interest groups) … each category with it’s own customized pages and filters.
Please note that we’re just starting out. We decided to launch our site with only three shows, and minimal features -- to give people a taste of what’s to come and gather early feedback and suggestions. We have a lot more features in the oven, and we’re also working hard on fixing the technical hiccups (i.e. the login is acting a little funky right now). We’re a small team, and this is our very first start up together. Thank you for your support and patience as we push this site out.
Please check it out, and check back often. We are working quickly to enhance the experience and add new features.