UPDATE: My neighbor was definitely making bombs!!
I just read this article:
http://www.mercurynews.com/news/ci_7319756I'm really glad they were caught before anything serious happened.

UPDATE: They arrested 45 year-old Fremont resident Steven Gilbuena and 29-year-old Yvonne Zuniga in connection with recently discovered explosives...
What I read in one article on
Picking up shards of glass from the driveway, John Gilbuena, the suspect's older brother, told the Mercury News that his brother was no mad bomber, but a 'tinkerer" - an electrician and auto mechanic - who drove around with his latest invention in his car: a boxed, wired-up device intended to turn on household devices by making a cell phone call.
It's really hard to know what REALLY went down...and whether or not the police went overboard in all of this blowing out the windows and doors of the house business... But I do think after knowing arrests were made and devices were detonated -- I feel that it's safe to go home tonight.
However, if it was blown out of proportion and the devices were truly harmless attempts at an invention -- then my heart really goes out the suspects in question who were arrested.
My brother goes jogging in the neighborhood quite often and has seen the couple who live at that house. He said they just looked like normal people hanging out in the front with their little pet dog.
So I think it'd be terribly sad if they were just a couple trying to make something of themselves. If they were truly misunderstood for simply being innovative... I think it would be a real shame.
What kind of message does this send out? I think it tells people: Don't go around trying to invent anything on your own or you might be mistaken as a bomb-maker!
It seems as though it can be risky for every day people (mechanical engineers, mechanics, or whoever) who are working on any inventions that happen to look like intricate devices... Even if they are found innocent, I'm sure people will not look at them the same way, and I'm sure it won't be easy for them to rent ever again!
It makes me wonder: Is this some kind of media propaganda that's meant to discourage people to try out their own inventions?
My hopeful thinking is that there must have been some kind of substantial evidence that these devices were indeed explosive... or maybe an annonymous tip?

Just thought I would share this interesting story – if you haven't heard about it in the news already.
I wasn't able to go home last night because our neighborhood was evacuated. A man was caught with an explosive device in his car in San Jose – and he turned out to be our neighbor who lives two houses down from us!
http://cbs5.com/local/local_story_298183655.htmlMy brother is in this video being interviewed! He was at the house eating lunch at the time the neighborhood was evacuated.

They searched the house with a robot all night and had to detonate two devices – people were finally allowed back at 4:30am.