We're finally moved in!
Though we're still unpacking stuff, it's starting to get better... done with most of the painting, replacing the carpets, bathroom tiles, pool and pond in backyard ... I'm seriously learning a lot about house maintenance.. It's cool being a home owner and being able to do whatever you want to a place... fixing up and personalizing... but it's also TON of work! Lucky for me, I have JT to show me the ropes, our trusty family handy man who has been here day in and day out ... and the most awesome parents and brother who have been tremendously helpful... SERIOUSLY I am so grateful. My dad's been working non-stop on our yard, my mom's been dropping by after work to help put things away, vacumn, and bringing yummy food... and my brother's been here doing all my heavy lifting and painting with us too! I love my fam so so much, they are so so awesome =)
It's been a rewarding, exhausting, frustrating, and exciting all at the same time.
Life has been completely different these days. I spend my free time painting, cleaning and lining cabinets, building furniture, putting things away, working on the pond in the back yard, watering plants, folding clothes, going to home depot ... I think I've turned three shades darker from all the labor in the sun! lol...
I've been feeling extremely unattractive these days like the sandy-monster has come to town... haha I've been randomly falling asleep out of exhaustion on the couch and waking up in the middle of the night w/ my contacts still on... skin is breaking out from the lack of maintenance... and I'm in major need of a pedicure, since I've been running around in sandals to places I shouldn't... like the rock quarries. My hands feel like sandpaper from all the sanding, painting, and rock carrying...and will probably take months of intense moisturizing lotion to repair (if even possible!!)...
BUT ... it's soooo worth it. In the short time we've had this house, I've become a piece of it -- and I really wouldn't have it any other way. NO way am I gonna let JT have all the glory! hehehehe It's MINE too! =)